Tuesday, 16 September 2014

First test run

Small update....  If this works then you should be able to see the first test run around the kitchen!!!

Monday, 15 September 2014

CAT Skid steer

Right Tyler, it's a been a year so about time for an update........

Well, that's not long enough!  I'm trying to start up again, but I've also done a bit on another little project:-

Behold - The Cat 'Skid' Steer.  It's called that because it skids to steer - it's a bit like a tank but with just wheels instead of tracks.  Any way, it looks like this:-

So, that's what I started with.  The idea is to make it radio controlled, including making the bucket go up and down, and also tip.

First up, I needed to take it all to bits......

A long time ago I spoke a bit about servos, and how they moved when you moved the sticks on the transmitter.  Normally they move a little bit and then stop.  However, you can modify them so they keep going round.  And round.  And round.   And round........   This means that I can get them to drive the wheels.  You can also join the connections up so they move at the same time.  So, the plan is to have two pairs, one pair on each side.  So, a bit of chopping, and one cut finger later, and I ended up with this:-

Now the trick is to put the wheels on.  To do this I made some little round bits that would screw on to the servos and the wheels.  This is my first try:-

Seemed ok until I put the wheel on!!!!

The wheels caught on the screws holding the servo's on, so I needed to make some more:-

Now, some of the holes needed 'tapping.'  This is where you make the same thread (or the spiral bit) in the part as is on the screw.  You use a special tool to do this after you've drilled a hole a little bit smaller than the screw is.  It looks a bit like a screw, but has some slots in so it actually cuts.  You can see one attached to the little handle in the picture below, and another one at the bottom of the picture:-

You can also see a wheel in the corner with the little bolts holding the black spacer to the wheel.  This is what the back of the wheel looks like with it fitted:-

Below is an old spacer and a new spacer fitted - you can now see that the wheel doesn't hit the screws on the one on the left:-

All I needed to do now is fit all the new spacers and wheels!!!

At the moment a battery and the radio stuff is just stuck on with masking tape.  I made a video of it driving, but my wifi's being rubbish so I can't upload it - I'll try and upload it to YouTube later and put a link up.

The next thing for me to do is to figure out and make all the brackets to control the arm and bucket - hopefully it will take less than a year this time :D